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Katie Casamento / afp-assignment-2
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
A real time, playable, subtractive synthesizer by Eliza Sohn and Pete Wells for Bart Massey's CS 510 - Music, Sound & Computers class.
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THIS IS NOT WHERE TO FIND COURSE MATERIAL. All of the course material is found on Canvas. Here you can track any changes that I've made to the course material throughout the quarter.
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THIS IS NOT WHERE TO FIND COURSE MATERIAL. All of the course material is found on Canvas. Here you can track any changes that I've made to the course material throughout the quarter.
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This project will contain two separate tools, a port scanner and a webpage/directory enumerator. The port scanner will contain some functionality of Nmap and the enumeration tool will contain some functionality from Gobuster.
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THIS IS NOT WHERE TO FIND COURSE MATERIAL. All of the course material is found on Canvas. Here you can track any changes that I've made to the course material throughout the quarter.
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THIS IS NOT WHERE TO FIND COURSE MATERIAL. All of the course material is found on Canvas. Here you can track any changes that I've made to the course material throughout the quarter.
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THIS IS NOT WHERE TO FIND COURSE MATERIAL. All of the course material is found on Canvas. Here you can track any changes that I've made to the course material throughout the quarter.
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THIS IS NOT WHERE TO FIND COURSE MATERIAL. All of the course material is found on Canvas. Here you can track any changes that I've made to the course material throughout the quarter.
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This program helps you shorten messages. User will tell it how many words you want and give it a message. If user's message is too long, it would try to shorten the message by taking out words like "a" and "the" and replace "and" with "-". It also has some special replacements like changing "cannot" to "cant" and "is not" to "isnt". This program uses arrays (character arrays) as the primary data structure.
Language: C++
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The purpose of this program is to implement a binder that uses stacks and queues to store todo items. The data structures of this program are stack and queue. The stack in the program is implemented using a linear linked list of arrays. Each element in the linked list represents a binder and contains an array to store the todo items. The queue is implemented using a circular linked list. Each node in the linked list represents a todo item.
Language : C++
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The purpose of this program is to sort user's information about travel destinations in a structured way. Using a binary search tree, as the primary data structure, to organize the destinations. The binary search tree allows for efficient retrieval of the destinations and can display them in sorted order.
Language: C++
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